Well, this morning I had the opportunity to go into the theory of community management with the executive committee of randstad Belgium. Of course we made a quick scan of their existing facebook-pages. By coincidence some guy just put a “not so nice” post on their facebook wall. The post was in German and actually accused Randstad of being modern slave-traders. Kaboom… Anyhow, the page is probably maintained in Holland or in the UK so a post in German might take some time to understand….Continue Reading “Community management…when someone makes a “not so nice post” on your facebook page.”
Well, seems my son likes driving a motorcycle. I have a bit mixed feelings about it because that little bike goes easily 60 to 70 km/h so it is a bit more risky than playing with lego… And some more pics from the party here :
Well, I have been into Mobile since a while and I made a small presentation about Mobile Search Engine Optimization. Normally I’m not really into the hype and I firmly believe that if your site is well balanced and has the right content, SEO will follow (meaning that you will end up high in Google). For mobile I’m not so sure because the big search firms are still working on finding the best way to index mobile pages. The biggest problem is : how can a…Continue Reading “SEO for Mobile”
Well, it’s a rather old article from a two months ago when Valérie and me participated in the 10 Miles in Antwerp but it’s rather hilarious. So here it is (in Dutch) :
Well…some of my friends thought that is was an April-fools joke when I told them that one of our offices is now in a castle. Here is the picture to proof that I was not bullshitting. The guy next to our company standard is not our personal butler but my good friend Laurent Kinet (co-founder of Early Stage). We are already working at our new office there but the official inauguration will be on the 6th of May. Give me a sign if you want…Continue Reading “New office for Early Stage”
Some cool pics from my vacation with my nephew’s Family (Kris, Mieke, Ellen and Wim) and the Moonen family (Bart, Inge, Aster and Felien). Sun, Snow and Fun, what do you want more?
Sometimes life surprises you with a fun fact you didn’t expect…How about a toilet with 60° C water in the closet. We just encountered it in our hotel in Grenoble. Due to a distracted plumber the hot water tap had been connected to the toilet. The result is that we have steaming water in the toilet…funny but don’t flush the toilet when you are still on it (especially not when you are a man :-)).
Well, Valérie (my wife) and me just did one of the nicest joggings we have ever done. We participated in the jogging Tihange 2010 and it was a blast. Mostly we are running in the bigger joggings (the Carefour runningtour for example) where you have in general more than 1000 participants so we were a bit reluctant to go to one of the smaller happenings in our region. But what a surprise : super organisation, subscription fee only 3 € and all the things we…Continue Reading “13,175 km at Tihange”

Well, I’m almost there…almost 50.000 km done on my Triumph Sprint ST. I bought this bike 3 years ago (February 2007) and it has never let me down since then. I’m a regular driver who uses his bike mainly (almost exclusively) for professional means. During the weekend I don’t have a lot of opportunities to go drive in the beautiful region of Huy and the Ardennes that are not so far from where I live. Just to tell you that I’m not the classic weekend warrior who is polishing his bike from morning till noon and then goes for long rides through senic landscapes (I wished).
I have chosen the Triumph Sprint ST for several reasons and I would like to share them with you so that it might help if you ever have to make a choice for a bike that will at the same time be used for professional home-work traffic but that can also be used for good leisure trips. My main criteria at the time where :
- Budget
- Test-Drive
- Reliability
When firms launch new products they test them quite extensively before releasing them. For interfaces (such as a website, a Smartphone or any other piece of junk that has an interface) one of the things that is tested is the usability of it all. How easy is it for the user to find out what he has to do to reach his goal (and preferably without reading the 350 page manual). The methodologies on this subject are vast and there are many companies who have…Continue Reading “Usability testing : grandparents to the rescue!”