During the weekend the Como Lake is busier than the Ring of Brussels on a Monday morning. Every tourist rents a boat or goes on a ferry. So if you want calm… go somewhere else. Motorboats are going in all directions and this from 10 AM until 18 PM. If you get cranky because your neighbour is cutting his lawn with a good old fashioned 200 dB jet fueled lawnmower… don’t come here either. Otherwise : have fun at the Como Lake where you only can have fun if you make noise (which is more or less the standard motto of every Italian). Anyhow, because we like to blend in, we rented a boat with 40 HP Mercury engine that more or less shouts : “ITISA ME, MARIOOOO!!” while blasting away over the lake.
To make a long story short. We went to Isola Comacina where we had a nice swim. We continued to Bellagio, while drooling on the beautiful houses on the shores of the lake and then returned almost until Como. Kristan had a blast while piloting the boat while ValĂ©rie and me enjoyed the sun. Some pictures below to give you an idea…