Norwegian Tradition!

Categories Norway

Norwegians love their flag, it’s literally everywhere. Before building a house they first erect the flagpole in the garden I guess.  Also at our cabin in Bjorli the flag was ready for hoisting. This inspired us to write a small post on a few traditional foods we discovered during our stay.

In one of our stops at the local supermarket Valérie decided to try the infamous Huldreost.

It’s a brown cheese made with mountain herbs and aquavit and is a part of the Brunost family ( It is typically Norwegian and it is also served at the Noma. The consistency is quite funny and not what we expect from a cheese.

It’s completely brown and looks a bit like plastic. My first tasting was a bit like this :

But to be honest, I’m getting used to it. It is impossible to describe but forget any reference you have with cheese. I think any Norwegian will react the same when they would try a good ripe Herve cheese from Belgium.

We also bought some reindeer sausage

I liked that a lot more…

Maybe I will try some Elk in Oslo. Kristan is a big fan of Brus (a Norwegian lemonade) so I think we will return with Pølse (sausages) and Brus in the trunk :-).