When driving around in an electric vehicle you never know if the local grid is OK to charge your car on it. Even in Belgium we sometimes find ourselves in a tight spot when a normal 220V outlet apparently doesn’t meet the specs that your car requires (often the ground and neuter don’t combine the way they should). When I learned that my standard charging-cable wouldn’t work in Norway I panicked a bit, sure, there are a lot of superchargers here (Norway = Tesla country) but sometimes you end up a bit further from the civilisation and then a normal 220V outlet can offer those extra kilometres you just need. Your options in Norway are limited : buy a special Tesla UMC cable (only 600 € that you can trow in the bin when you return) that accepts the local grid OR…. call the Tesla Owners Club in your country. So I send them a message if they knew someone who could help me out. I almost immediately received the contact details of a friendly Norwegian who wanted to lend me his Mennekes-cable with special adaptor that you can connect on any Shuko-outlet (a normal outlet in any house) and it adapts the current in such a way that your Belgian Tesla starts happily charging on the Norwegian grid. Bjorn (that’s his name) dropped his cable at a friend of him in Bergen where we picked it up and I will drop it of at his place in two weeks in Oslo. No charge, no deposit required, just trust in the Tesla community. He didn’t want anything in return but as good Belgians I offered him the choice : Beer or Chocolate… his choice is in the image below… Thank you Bjorn, and don’t hesitate to come and taste some Belgian beers at my place!! (and special thanks to the Tesla Owners Club Belgium for giving me his contact-details).