There can be no mistake : Bergen is wet in every aspect but the beauty of the surrounding nature and the typical building-style make up for the weather. While writing this post we had rain-sun-rain-sun-clouds-rain-sun-apocalyptic rain-sun… We are lodged in a very nice Airbnb high in the surrounding hills with a magnificent view on Bergen.
We went shopping in the local Spar and we are currently enjoying a small Gin-Tonic and a bit of Saint-Emillion (we brought those from Belgium). We also connected our ChromeCast to the flatscreen here so it will be Sherlock season 4 for us tonight (yep, that’s how we enjoy vacation here). Netflix and ch… ahem, the kids are reading this too so let’s just Netflix :-).
Oh, if you are wondering what that plate on the table contains : that are shrimps… they were in promo so I bought 1 kilo of those little delicious fuckers. Combines great (after 10 minutes in the oven) with G&T :-).