Well, Valérie (my wife) and me just did one of the nicest joggings we have ever done. We participated in the jogging Tihange 2010 and it was a blast. Mostly we are running in the bigger joggings (the Carefour runningtour for example) where you have in general more than 1000 participants so we were a bit reluctant to go to one of the smaller happenings in our region. But what a surprise : super organisation, subscription fee only 3 € and all the things we got…a T-shirt, snacks, drinks and lots of sponsored stuff. The jogging itself was beautiful with runs through the woods, especially opened private parks and gardens and off course the very nice region of Huy. Not very easy though and we were, let’s say, closing the ranks :-). You can see the level difference on the image below :

For the jogging fans amongst you : a really nice jogging that will perfectly train for a 10 miles or the 20 km at Brussels. And the fun fact of the day : 700 meters before the arrival all joggers were offered a “Peket”. If you don’t know what that is : Google it…
Dear Bart,
Many thanks for your kind comments about our jogging. We will be glad to welcome you again for the 2011 edition.
You can find some pictures on Picasa (links on our website)
Best regards
All the team “Foulées du Plaisir”
You are welcome! 🙂 And thanks for the pics!